The Guide to Content Marketing Trends in 2021
What does the “Content Marketing” term refer to?
Content marketing is to attract and retain clients by creating and curating relevant and valuable content. Make it part of your regular marketing process.
Content marketing involves content creation and sharing it through various online channels (such as videos, social media posts and blogs) that do not explicitly promote a brand. Still, it is intended to develop an interest in its services or products.
Content marketing is an integral part of Social media and plays a vital role in the online promotion of various businesses. We can observe a vast variation when check the content marketing statistics for 2021 compared to previous years.
What is 2021 going to look like for all the content marketers? Is there any way to get prepared in advance?
Here are the six top content marketing trends you need to know about content creation trends 2021:
Building different content communities
Repurposing the content across various channels
Doubling down on SEO
Improving content quality and overall experience
Focusing on services and products
Going live with webinars, video and much more
Let’s get started!
Building different content communities:
The most significant content marketing trend to try in the year 2021 isn’t a surprise. With the rise of different communities across the tech world and the focus on personalization in marketing industries during the pandemic, building communities have pushed all the marketing teams the entire year. But building communities specifically around content creation and sharing will allow marketing teams to continue to expand their reach to the targeted customer, even with fewer resources and more minor complications.
Whether it's content for the blog, your social sites, or a webinar, it’s going to continue focusing on making your audience feel like a community.
Repurposing the content across various channels:
Now, this might be one of my favourite content marketing trends among all others. With an emphasis on creating or engaging content with fewer resources, it makes sense that the upcoming year will bring a more significant focus on repurposing the content across different channels. When you’re spending a considerable amount of time and effort to create high-quality and engaging content for the customers, you want to share it with as many people as possible to increase the reach. The best way to do that is to repurpose the content.
In the year 2021, content experts will start figuring out how to most effectively use content from videos, podcasts, webinars, round tables and conferences to stoke the content bonfire. In almost every panel discussion, there are at least four social media posts, a blog post and a newsletter mention. We don't have to reinvent the whole wheel—just get it turning faster.
Improving content quality and overall experience:
Every single click on an article you want to read only to get to a page filled with pop-ups and ad panels? It’s sad, and most of the time, I close out of the page without reading anything as it is a time-consuming process. But, at the same time, I’ll spend clicking around different tools like I miss the office because they look interesting to me—even though I don’t miss the sound of co-workers chewing.
Content Marketing Trends
The end line is that, at times, how you’re interacting with content is just as significant as what content you’re interacting with. That’s why a focus on content experience will play a vital role in the content marketing trend, whether it’s new, high quality, interactive content or best UX.
Going live with videos and webinars:
With events out of play this year 2021, videos and webinars, content marketing has been even more significant, and it’s not going anywhere away.
“Live video marketing will continue to rise dramatically in the year 2021,” Johnson predicts. But it’s not only because of in-person limitations; there is a reason why live video marketing was trending well before the pandemic phase. “The reason is? Video is a fast and effective medium to communicate your message to the targeted audience and educate your customers. Audience want to get information or learn quickly with help of the videos and there is no other better way to do so than with the help of video marketing strategy.”
The old marketing quote “Content is King” is still very much accurate. The thirst for content still drives people, and it’s essential to maintain the quality for the same. But the pandemic and fast-evolving technology are changing the ways content is delivered in today’s world. While just a few years ago, creating excellent video and visual content was quite enough to engage a client, these days, businesses are forced to look for more content formats, styles and channels to stand out from other firms.
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